Wonderful article. A credentialed physicist, Thomas Campbell, has written extensively about a consciousness theory in his trilogy, “My Big TOE” (Theory of Everything) which I have read and reread. In the early 60s a physicist, Thomas Kunz wrote “The Structure of Scientific Revolution”. The sciences as we know them arose out of the original “queen” of sciences, Philosophy.
The reason I clapped and feel this is a wonderful article is not because I’m either supportive or critical of the premise. I clapped because it just attempts to put forward questions and ideas which anyone can consider with complete skepticism but hopefully civil open mindedness. The unknown, our ignorance, will always be infinite and the known a tiny raft in that enormous ocean of unknown. It is reasonable to question assumptions even about our “raft” (what we think we know).
Our ego fears in circling the wagons around our investment in intellectual based beliefs (religion, science, politics and all bodies of belief) is a form of dogma. The truly sound treat ideas, no matter how counter to their beliefs, with calm and compassionate curiosity — the truth is not a fragile unstable or vulnerable premise, it remains steadfast — and investigation, questioning, uncertainty and alternative viewpoints are considered courteously with open minded and measured curiosity.
Regardless of a a particular idea merit or not, humans cannot survive as a static unquestioning species. We must evolve with progress, and in this case our consciousness — our intuition about compassion, goodness, inherent lifting to higher values of peaceableness and freedom from fear — or we will perish. Thanks for a contribution of questioning.