Why the Prognostications on Medium Are BS (totally)

Sherman Moore
3 min readDec 24, 2021


If you are “alive” and reading this you are an avatar. The “real” you is signed onto your body and along with it comes a psyche that, among other things has an “ego” which chatters away saying it can figure things out and that the first 11 word sentence in this article is absurd. If you have read this far your ego is asking, “where is this going?”.

The real you is individuated psyche that originates out of a higher consciousness. By way of reassurance, if you are a religious person or believe in God this idea is metaphorically in alignment with virtually every religion or spiritual concept. If you are pure materialist and dedicated atheist then that’s ok too — just consider how far we have evolved virtual reality as of this date and project out 70 years and you can imagine we can have a pretty convincing experience of what seems base reality but isn’t.

Now to the point of assessing all the predictions, future events, prophecies and prognostications that are written on this platform, “Medium”. If they are natural science physics based, such as when the next lunar eclipse will occur, the predictions are relatively valid because these assertions are using a model that is inferred from the model that is simulating our experience. Of course even astrophysics is not completely predictable, an unexpected asteroid could obliterate our moon a year from now (low probability but possible). The more granular (such as emergence of new Covid variant) the more uncertain the model.

On the other hand, projections about economics, politics, social order, personal finance, technology and other such mostly subjective or novel produced subjects … those predictions are absurd, virtually worthless except for entertainment value, ideas for what won’t happen and occasional nuggets of anecdotal logic. There are numerous reasons for prediction worthlessness, I’ll list 4 from the otherwise long list:

  1. The predictions originate out of the ego mind which is heavily influenced by fear and in order to gain attention concocts outlandish and/or fearful stories.
  2. The ego doesn’t know what it doesn’t know and formulates patterns out of a tiny fraction of an ocean of variables.
  3. The ego mind is insistently subjectively self centered and formulates imaginations heavily distorted by self obsession and personal paradigms.
  4. Most importantly, the higher common consciousness seems interested in non-entropic evolution (we have biologically evolved from less complex to more complex, violating the 2nd law of thermodynamics, disorder increase … and that is observationally evident whether one ascribes to a 13.7 billion year old Big Bang or is devoted to an improbable but I suppose possible reality creation in 6 days occurring just 12,000 years ago). Everything we can observe (broadly or individually) about the past is consistent in a pattern of recurring highly unforeseen and unpredictable events shaping our evolutionary progression. We even have mathematical models for this phenomenon such as those proposed by Nassim Taleb (the “Black Swan”, “Impact of Highly Improbable” dude). Notice that, taken to an extreme, depending on the highly improbable becomes probable and defeats itself in the face of an active higher consciousness.

So, what is the point?! Don’t give up planning. Groceries, exercise and an IRA have a high probability of being useful. Do give up useless cycles on using your ego to make future macro events appearing to be real. Meditate and calm your mind, stop the ego chatter and just “Be”. Let the intuitive authentic self express the one thing you are wildly better at than anyone else which is being who you are. If you will be nice, calm, inclusive, tolerant and helpful we desperately need the authentic you. Most of all make a commitment to grow out of fear, judgement, hate, racism, prejudice (all entropic) and towards compassion, tolerance, love, inclusion, optimism, kindness, civility and courteousness (non-entropic). If we pursue the entropic (fear) and reach a tipping point we will go extinct. Higher consciousness will see to that. The alternative is evolution and progress and while that will not be all “rainbows and butterflies” it will be infinitely interesting and worthwhile as an adventure.



Sherman Moore
Sherman Moore

Written by Sherman Moore

Reckless seeker to look behind the illusion curtain of what gets called reality

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