What is surprising is that more people of means don’t live like Musk. We have a short life, all we need is air, water, food, shelter, depending on weather some clothes, relationships, education, open-mindedness, love of neighbor and meaning. Personally I’m fortunate that I could buy a multi-million house, but I happily choose to live in a 500 square foot cabin (built by myself and a helper) that is along the lines of the description of Musk residence in west Texas. I’m not the least deprived, I’m joyous about my little cabin. I have a good bed and love fresh vegetables from the garden and spend most of my time caring for trees, restoring native plants and wildlife. Good for Musk on the inter-planetary quest, I hope he makes it. It will take a lot more than Elon Musk bashing to reach a consensus consciousness to ubiquitously care for the planet that we are on now — and we will need that consciousness shift or we will go extinct. I’d like to have a dual - diverse - redundant information repository as a memorial to our existence in this solar system.