We are in uncharted waters both in reference to the main article and all of the things listed in Christopher’s response. I recently had dirt give out under my feet and fell 4 feet off an embankment that we were working on (I’m a retired technologist turned gentleman rancher) — this accident was so stupid it disqualifies me from writing a comment but like the fall, I plunge ahead. I stiff armed to break my fall and completely tore my rotator cuff and bicep muscle requiring (of course) a 6 hour surgery, rehab. The amount of disruption to my whole body and even my psychology has left me dumbfounded at the obvious — the cliche childhood song about the leg bone connected to the knee bone, the knee bone connected to the thigh bone, etc. blah blah. Some things like cramps in my forearm and loss of sleep are quickly accepted as related to the shoulder injury. Some concurrent events in my body nag at my all too human tendency to want to find pattern. For instance, I have never even had a cavity in my life and I developed a abscessed tooth and had to get a root canal during shoulder recovery. Almost all scientists and especially doctors would say there is no connection between my shoulder injury and an abscessed cavity. Mentally I would agree and I will hold my official position that a 1st cavity following a shoulder injury is just coincidence. I scorn my internal intuition that the two are connected as human superstition. Yet as I type this I cannot shake the nagging thought that my body, including my psychology, is one system and injury or trauma cascades in more ways than we currently understand. Maybe not, I’d certainly agree with anyone who said a shoulder injury has nothing to do with a cavity. In any case, we have seen time and time again the unforeseen cascading and often amplified repercussions when one element in nature is modified. What if it worse (even more interconnected) than we realize? Every time I brush my teeth and clean my capped tooth using my arm that is still in rehab I have this nagging “feeling” that our earth is like my body, resilient and self healing but maybe more deeply connected than even the most rabid environmentalists imagine.