We are in uncharted waters. As a confessing Christian who regularly attends a mainline Protestant church (1st Christian) and reads the Bible regularly I am struck by the disconnect between the many who invoke the label “Christian” and 95% of the teachings of Jesus. Apparently he was willing to converse with a Samaritan (different religion and gender married many times and shacked up with her current lover) woman and say to her she would worship God in her soul, psyche, “heart” — the Jungian unconscious — not in a place or religious doctrine. Consider the repeated admonitions by Jesus, the Christ, to love the stranger and the “neighbor” beaten and thrown in a ditch, cloth the naked, bind up the feed the hungry, heal the sick, care for those in prison, forgive again and again — loving our enemies. The repeated commandment was to love others the same as God has loved us — caring not for material wealth or prestige from our society. These radical teachings are as disconnected from religion today as they were from religion and government in the 1st century A.D. I am NOT comparing any political candidate to Jesus, I am suggesting that trite and meaningless but perfunctory tributes to cultural platitudes perhaps do not do service to the profound questions facing Americans: Who ARE we, really, at the foundational soul level.