We also exist in the edgeless, with endless new frontiers not yet conceived of — even in the remotest way or with the wildest imagination. It is a constant that all which is not yet speculated and is outside even a conceptualized question as the unknown is infinite. Infinity has odd awkward characteristics: no beginning or end (timeless), no center or edge (spaceless), no biggest or smallest (whole). Yes we are in a universe and that universe is unarguably, intrinsically, part of a timeless, seamless whole.
Any child can (and will) validate this awkward back-drop by persistently asking “what was before that?”, “what is after that” and “what is outside that edge?”. The old woman’s answer of “turtles all the way down” is absurd humor not about infinity but about human nature. The science of astronomy and physics is a useful pragmatic approach to incremental insights and behaviors about the physical universe and sometimes bumps into observer consciousness which invariably demonstrates the limitation of language (even the universal language of math).
The point is that for consciousness to evolve itself to the era of scientific revolution (and all theories emerging from it) appears to be non-entropic and if that were true consciousness may further evolve in a non-entropic way which adds a weird variable to this article: the observed may change upon observation and strangely beyond imagination the observer’s inherent observational consciousness may change. A term was coined in 1987 by Frank White (bolstered by numerous astronaut interviews) for a small example of evidence of this possibility, “The Overview Effect”: