True. And, we are not tired enough of any mediocre redemption stories as long as the stories are ego gratifying externalized materialistic tales espousing material well being, system hacks, life hacks, notoriety, prestige, appearance, wealth, status, control, power, space penises or molten volcanic vaginas. Substitute a poor transgender black gay intellectual poet as the maestro of circumstantial control and glorious uplifted conquerer of levers of power and materialistic satiation and the redemption retelling stays just as mediocre. Change the story to an idealistic mythical Marxist version of utopian material equanimity for society and it will stay mediocre. Change the story to a mystical metaphysical character that is not mediocre and we will deify and individualize the character (we make Buddha, Mohammad, Abraham, Deva, Jesus, Gandhi, Enlightenment Science, Ann Rand … whoever … aloof, static) then we build a religion or belief systems and fight wars about control. We will collectively evolve in consciousness in some way or go extinct (static human nature is surefire death, or if you prefer, wildfire death) and that shift, by nature, would be a humble anonymous aggregate-individual not particularly glamorous story(s) of personal responsibility, compassion and growth. Evolution somehow reaches a tipping point of evolutionary progress that is more than wildfire — it would be a bolt of lightening (consciousness shifts are like that be they space-time, big bangs or self awareness). What if it is true that the poor in spirit gain the higher consciousness, that the humble are destined to oversee this simulation, etc.? It seems to me a shift like that would rate above mediocre and unfortunately seems a difficult story to craft — be it Homer or Simone de Beauvoir. Maybe redemption is in a Disney animation.