This is one comment that began to expand the conversation from one ugly symptom (objectifying other people, rude behavior, gawking, etc.) to a much broader question — “consciousness”, “psyche nature”, “soul” whatever the word is that represents our fundamental nature as a species. Mostly the poor, powerless and average are invisible. Celebrities, powerful, those deemed by culture “attractive”, wealthy and so forth tend to be glorified and emulated, talked and written about, gawked at. It’s unhealthy and primitive. And that’s just the start. Everything — others, nature, our own responsibilities and thoughts … need attention and progress. It’s an “inside” job — I have to take responsibility for what I am thinking, doing, nurturing inside that silent space we call “consciousness” (and for that matter the “unconscious” or “shadow self”). I am sad you have felt invisible, I am determined to notice and pay attention with respect, compassion and kindness — there is generically one person to whom you are not invisible but a gift of presence. As a species we will either evolve to a higher consciousness or go extinct.