I believe meditation is the salient point of our age. Consciousness did happen, anyone reading this sentence is aware they are reading. If a voice just asked inside your mind “what does this person mean by the statement that a reader is aware they are reading” — that is part of consciousness. It is my conviction that everything is sentient and moreover part of a timeless, spaceless, seamless energy called common consciousness by CG Jung (lending to a theories such as synchronicity by Jung, Morphic Resonance by a Rupert Sheldrake). The frequency is not unfamiliar to cosmetologists as Gravitational Wave Background found in low frequency 10 — 1000 Hz and not surprisingly the Yoga Om (a breathing activity) is approximately 432 Hz. It seems to me nature does not abide failure to evolve and of this were the case a failure to move from consciousness to consciousness 2.0 would be catastrophic for our self referenced existence as Homo sapiens. MBSR (Mindfulness Based Sress Reduction) simply confirms using science what mystics have been repeating throughout modern history which is that meditation is the keystone for changing our species. Perhaps we have come to the end of an age. We literally have the ability to extinguish ourselves through nuclear fission war or planetary biospheric change. In this moment I’ll stop my typing and meditate and do breathing exercises, just acknowledging the precarious condition and theorized solution is not enough — I have to surrender to and practice the great experiment. Yay, I get to breath consciously now.