Thank you ZORA for this wonderful collection.
As a lifelong native Texan I would point out the risks of anecdotes and generalizations. I worked everyday during the disaster cold to move people of all ages, genders and race to warmth, food, water and shelter. I delivered food, water and heating and got lots of support from others. I was joined in this team effort by Latino, Black, Native American and white loved ones. Really, truly. And we laughed and loved (and cried) during the days.
I would also agree that Texas has exhibited more than its fair share of racial and gender bias, insult and oppression persistently in my lifetime from my perspective. We waste water and environmental resources and fail to invest in infrastructure, education and healthcare in the name of lower taxes and short term profits and it showed — tragically.
We also have an entrepreneurial spirit and some of the most giving and loving people on the earth. It’s a mixed bag, many shades of gray with some horrific injustices and some inspiring energies. We can sweep events under the rug and chase the false realities spun by politics or we can use posts like this as a wake up call to make progress.