Thank you Robert! I had a “No Nukes” tee shirt in college—a double entendre in my mind (warheads or power). I still see the amount of nuclear weaponry of course as an existential threat to most life on the planet. And (I know this is non-sequitur in a technology article, I come from technology career) I think to reverse environmental change that I believe is happening sooner and faster than consensus we have to embrace a consciousness change that values cooperation and non-judgmental dropping of bigotry and bias. Nuclear power has changed a lot in approaches and possibilities and to have a high % of us stereotyping the genre into Chernobyl and Fukushima is not just counter to objective science — it is (to me) counterproductive to an open minded cooperative consciousness I believe is fundamental to desperately needed change. I have no investments in nuclear power and my technology or biology work has no connections, I don’t have any motive to cheer on nuclear choices other than wanting to reduce what I perceive as an emotional bias that floats in public opinion — thanks for being a supporting voice for all avenues of reducing global warming.