There are lots of flagrant voter intimidation aspects of the new State of Texas State Bill 7 Voter Suppression Law. It greatly curtails the number of voting polls, mail in ballots and ordinary access to voting. For me, noting gets close to the introduction of a free rein “watcher” that can carry audio video recording and move about the voting poll unrestricted using any behavior they choose without the ability for a judge or any accountability for behavior.
“Watchers” Free Rein at Voting Locations Under Texas State Bill 7
No One, Including Lawful Judge (Courts) Can Curtail the “Watcher”
SECTION 3.01. Section 32.075, Election Code, is amended by adding Subsection (g) to read as follows: (g) A presiding judge may not: (1) have a watcher appointed under Subchapter A, Chapter 33, removed from the polling place; or (2) require a watcher appointed under Subchapter A, Chapter 33, to leave the polling place.
The “Watcher” Can Wear Anything, Act Anyway, Get in Your Face, Intimidate Without Restriction
(a) Except as provided by Section 33.057, a watcher is entitled to observe any activity conducted at the location at which the watcher is serving. A watcher is entitled to sit or stand near enough to see and hear the election officers conducting the observed activity, except as otherwise prohibited by this chapter. (e) Except as provided by Section 33.057(b), a watcher may not be denied free movement within the location at which the watcher is serving.
The “Watcher” has Unrestricted Use in Vote Poll to Use Video & Audio Recording
Intimidation Via In Face Surveillance
(a) A person, other than a watcher using the device solely to record image or sound as permitted under Subsection (b), may not use a wireless communication device within 100 feet of a voting station. (b) A person, other than a watcher, may not use a mechanical or electronic device to record [means of recording] images or sound that captures the activity [within 100 feet] of a voter at a voting station, unless the voter is receiving assistance the watcher reasonably believes to be unlawful.