So in 2013 I bought a ranch east of Gainesville, Texas along the Red River for leaving corporate America after 41 years … and moved out here 2019. One of the criteria was exactly what you wrote, I’m an hour from DFW airport. Having been raised in low population truly rural Texas then working in truly urban my experience of “fringe urban” is that it is liminal — neither urban or rural. I go for long bicycle rides in this county and there are lots of places being subdivided and houses going up on 10 acres and my subjective observation is all these new owners remind me of “white flight” suburbs of the 1970s. I have no idea if my personal impressions have any basis in facts, so far the main quantitative impact is a 3X increase in land sales prices (at least in my area outside urban DFW but 1 hour to DFW airport and attractions).