Simon I found your statistical representations fascinating. More statistics on implications on user psychology and biology, mental health implications, addiction percentages, misuse, use, large scale reports on outcome, applications and side effects would be very interesting to me.
Let me give you an example. I had a bicycle wreck recently and tore my rotator cuff and it has to be surgically repaired. I’ll get pain meds (with addictive possibilities I’ll be cautious about) following surgery and I’ve been warned to expect pretty significant discomfort. I’ve read antidotal evidence I could feather in cannabis for pain but I’ve not found comprehensive statistically categorized effects and side effects.
The chances of a medical study are nil, the medical industry is so enmeshed with pharmaceuticals and patented synthetics we’ll never get a data based analysis. Do us all a favor and build on your article by pulling together a team that can give the general population a series of landscape views of CBD doses, uses, misuses, effects by likelihood and so forth.