Rocio thanks for a interesting article written with engaging and thought provoking artistry. I’m responding because, by way of reaction, my guess is that this essay represents a tiny tip of the iceberg of tragedy occurring in a world that I would speculate is predominately dehumanizing.
My mostly first hand but far too anecdotal experience is that our societies are anomalously discarding human beings at a rate that is unbelievable in global scope, volume and brutality. My interest and involvement, unpremeditated but through a series of “circumstances”, is a different area — immigration. I read this article and felt (accurate or inaccurately) commonalities between porn and refugee immigration.
Motivated, I found and listened to some of the “Butterfly Effect”podcasts about the porn industry with Jon Ronson who is an author who has written about and explored many things … and according to Wikipedia is often categorized as a “gonzo journalist” (another term that sent me on a digression to learn about).
Pornhub (Fabian Thylmann) has apparently brought about changes to the porn industry on the massive scale and economics that “YouTube” has brought to the worldwide video informational library.
All of the deaths you listed probably didn’t have names to porn watchers. Desperate immigrants, the homeless, the alcoholic and drug deaths, etc. in my experience tend to not have names. Genocide is dependent on us not seeing each other as humans, as having worth. I haven’t a clue what common psychological characteristics there are to participants in the porn industry but I am certain they are human beings worthy of being treated with all the rights and considerations rightfully bestowed on “humanity”.
I applaud you for conceiving and writing a mesmerizing work. I’m amazed at the thought experiment “rabbit hole” it has sent me into. In this age of attention competition I give you a “home run” acknowledgment.