Kathy I don’t know that I would attribute the situation in Texas to the “Republican Party” in the Chamber of Commerce kind of sense I knew it growing up. Our governor seems to have view that he needs to keep support of the faction of Donald Trump supporters who attacked the US Capital 01-06-2021 and go on repeating the no evidence claim of massive voter fraud. In Texas there is a $1 million dollar reward for anyone finding voter fraud in 2020. There have been 43 suspect cases opened and zero arrests. There was no fraud. Yet, to show alliance and allegiance to this voting block the “Republican” controlled state government voted to close more polls in black neighborhoods, curtail mail in voting which was already very restrictive and add a “watcher” in the polls that can wear anything (such as camouflage style military clothing) and go unrestricted anywhere and do anything at the poll site with specific law that says the judge cannot intervene. The list goes on but it is a direct assault on voting when we already had 7 million eligible voters in Texas who did not vote in 2020. I don’t know what to say, I don’t know how to interpret the behavior except to say maybe we incrementally have gotten so divisive and invested in fragmented passions that we have lost sight of even the most basic tenets of a free democratic republic: all eligible citizens get to vote to elect representatives to do the people’s business of government (a democratic republic government).