Kat I have a guess but it is burdened by the bias and prejudice of my bigger guess as to what this experience is. I think we are in a type of simulation. It’s more abstract and rooted in consciousness (“spirituality”, “psyche”, “soul”) than the Elon Musk guess of artificial reality based on projecting the advances we currently see with artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial reality (AR) and his (Elon’s) speculation since we will soon create indistinguishable AR … why would we think we are not a creation of an advanced civilization simulation? I don’t know that is his preferred guess, most likely that was a defensive appeal to visceral logic.
Material objects, in general, decay - the general idea of 2nd law of thermodynamics (entropy). We are living in a biological system that, in general, using the tools we have, seems to be becoming more complex in cognition. My guess is that once we have fully fabricated DNA and associated transferable cognition that we don’t yet know … we will launch thousands of time capsules toward plausible exoplanets (a reasonable action to create life diversity and redundancy). Of course many capsules will be a long time (4 years up to even a million years travel time) before attempted hatching on a distant planet. When a lucky capsule does succeed an evolution begins — overarched by the prime unifying guidance (everything really is “one”). The whole idea (prime directive) is to develop, to “grow up”. This would explain why consciousnesses you bump into are not surprised by your computer or streaming audio service (why would they be, we’re all in one process). My guess is that like a saved file they have mild sensory preferences if there is enough anchoring (their mother’s cologne, the rose color of wife’s garden or the sweat from a day of labor). But, in my theory, they are ultimately part of the one journey which is essentially capsule to solving for oneness (coming back to the place of beginning and seeing it for the first time). If they do obnoxious things like break stuff, create putrid smells, etc. that is not in line with prime directive and won’t last. Love lasts, the things in line with progress along with intermediate flaws will, in a sense, reincarnate. My guess is we originate from one and return to one.