It seems to me Venus has material for terraforming experimentation. As long as we don’t destroy the breathable material in the upper atmosphere it seems we could entertain ourselves for decades with attempts to modify the Venus atmosphere. As for Mars it would be nice to have diverse redundant backup deposits in the case that (agreed the odds are magnitudes lower of a sufficient meteor strike) earth is the planet that suffers the apocalyptic meteor strike. Everything described (in article) that happens regularity on Mars happens at rare intervals on earth (even with our atmospheric protection and greater distance from the floating solar debris). It has taken so long for life to be at its current state on earth it seems incredible that we struggle to take a step back and objectively look at ourselves clearly enough to make ubiquitous and committed effort to care for the sustainability of humans on the planet we are already on. Loving our neighbor as ourselves would be a consciousness shift far more stunning and seismic in scope than merely walking on a nearby chunk of aggregated solar material.