In Texas we are in the midst of trying to keep democracy and the right to vote. Under the pretense of fighting voter fraud (not a shred of evidence has been put forth of any fraud) the Donald Trump controlled Texas state legislature is selectively closing 100s of polls (that already had 6 hour wait time in lines) in the Democratic leaning areas while adding polls in Gerrymandered Republican areas, adding intimidation “watchers” to the polls that cannot be restricted from behavior, all but eliminating mail in ballot voting and with unconscionably aggressive behavior (showing up banishing high powered firearms, screaming, honking horns, yelling names) stopping any protest gatherings about the elimination of the free vote by all people. The Democratic members of the Texas State legislature left the Texas State Capital late in the regular session to deny a quorum to make the elimination of free and equal democratic vote into authoritarian law. The Governor is threatening to use Texas State Troopers to find and arrest the Democratic Party lawmakers and bring them back into the State Capital under arrest to make the laws restricting free voting final.
While much of the United States pontificates (distractedly) about the continued bizarre behaviors of the authoritarian tactics and pronouncements by Donald Trump and his minions we in Texas are reliving the Alamo — standing alone in an actual literal struggle for freedom, democracy and vote by the people … while the rest of the United States fiddles about the latest outrageous “Newspeak” and twisting words as a way of disrupting discussion.