I’m not only going to give you my last bag of rice, I own the struggle up to that point to keep it from getting to that point. I can and will make a difference toward the good. I am calculating, persistent, pragmatic and realistic. I am not the least a Pollyanna - describe the worst forecast you can think of, I will look you in the eye and say “that’s a possibility” — and mean it. As long as there is a shred of civics I will support and vote for leaders who are for people. I will ask myself everyday what action of meaningful kindness and compassion did I do for people in my life today (preferably anonymously). I will ask myself what have I done for the first time today? I will inspect myself to find where I have changed my views today because growth is about open mindedness which means learning my errors in thinking. I love platitudes such as light a candle instead of cursing the darkness — not because they are platitudes and cliche but because they are so true I will give my life for them. I’m a worker and doer, a giver and responsible to be as much a part of the solution as I can be. Fear and death, hunger and cold, sickness and pain, whatever. The circumstances are not my problem. My choice of response — I own that, that’s my only problem.