I wholeheartedly identify with this experience description (inner quiet), and, would like to add an “asterisk” for some addicts such as myself. After 28 years of active alcoholism I passed my 19th year of sobriety two months ago. How well I remember the “pink cloud” experience of inner peace, surrender, acceptance — the relief of inner “quiet”. For me I am not able to stay “fixed” at “voices gone”. The inner clamor, so obviously self induced and paradoxically torturous (I don’t think I am masochistic per se), will begin to rebuild with baffling regularity. I’m more objectively self-aware though I can begin to lose even that if I don’t stay in relationship with key people and tools. Long winded way of saying for me my inner turmoil doesn’t “stay gone” like a miracle permanent remission. I am like a car with bad alignment, I pull toward the ditch. For 19 years I have brought enough surrender “each day” to let enough spiritual (or psyche or unconscious if preferred), psychological and cognitive solution into my life through a program of which I am a part.
I only added this on the outside chance some brave soul may read this as part of their stepping away from an addiction, gain relief, then experience old patterns or pain and think they are unique. For me I still experience insanity, it’s just over time gotten better with somewhat less “rollercoaster” and I didn’t drink or drug today. I am for all sources of solution and would venture a guess that there are probably countless different recovery experiences, cheers to all varieties that work!