I love your essays for a lot of reasons — well written, authentic, rational about a subject matter too often dismissed by science and, as always, thought provoking. In this case I’m thinking of the sometimes seriously considered aspects of simple algorithms hypothesized by Stephen Wolfram ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Wolfram ) and a seemingly different observation of guidance observed by C.G. Jung and ascribed to the unconscious. Science often uses the term “observation” which too often gets association with visual.
I have a different question, perhaps you have written about (if so point me to the article) or perhaps you dismiss it in which case please don’t be offended by the question. It seems to me given your sensitivities and nature that as you do your practice it would increase the chances of awareness of any presence of alien visitations. Have you ever had any sense of an “otherness” that would seem not souls of our ordinary experience?