I live in Texas. Two things in the history of mankind have never worked. Prohibition (ask the Romans about their prohibition of Christian religion or the United States about making alcohol illegal) or a “wall” (the Great Wall of China which I have walked about 20 kilometers didn’t work. Well, it sorta did as a flag based communication line). Plenty of us know a Texas border wall will do nothing — humans have splashed back and forth across the Rio Grande (whatever they called it, it’s often mostly a muddy ditch in the lower stretches now) for thousands of years. We have labyrinth and unworkable immigration laws and systemic problems in Latin America many of which the US had a big hand in creating. The millions of Texans beat down by a minority but vocal, ideological and passionately focused group of extremists are a drowned out like a small church choir trying to sing in the midst of a Panhandle blizzard.