I enjoyed this article for its buoyancy and optimism in support of challenging paradigm. My guess is from reading responses that many readers are “car” people — naturally interested in engineering specifications. It’s true — engineering, scalability, consumer appeal, economics, safety, comparative performance, reliability — all that stuff is, at some point in leaping the chasm of adoption process, hugely significant and pertinent. I enjoyed the article for the positivity, alchemic spirited hopefulness, conviction of possibility. Consider the documented abuse the Wright Brothers, the man Nikola Tesla took. When Marconi wrote the Minister of Telegraph relative to his success in wireless radio transmission he never received a response and his letter was referred to the department for insanity. Manifestation of novel thought is generally met with criticism, I enjoy the boosters and enthusiasts on philosophical grounds of supporting potential shifts in consciousness. There is no “big” or “small” in consciousness shift contribution. Francis Bacon criticized William Gilbert as “building a ship out of a shell”. My inclination is to theorize the detailed mathematic model and the philosophical and conceptual are not an “either/or” relationship.