I continue to be convinced “souls” (or whatever) if they exist probably move on, mutate, go through reformulation. It continues to be my unsupported, un-credentialed theory that people with your talent and practice are tapping into a type of energy that is roughly comparable to a database which in turn is associated with the simulation in general. To me it is unlikely that souls (or psychic energy, whatever) simply wander an ethereal plane as a stable coherent individual identity with autonomous integrity ready to be found as an operational unit upon the call of a medium. The database, the record, is however might be sitting in a kind of storage - the simulation we are in right now uses it all the time (everyone’s unconscious is connected, history rhymes) and mediums are good at accessing it.
We see nothing in nature that stays stagnant, not at the molecular level and even less stable at the biological level. I suspect the soul (psyche) level, if it exists, is more volatile. If my alternative theoretical narrative had merit it in no way detracts from the rather astonishing verifiable and certifiable results that demonstrate a medium can tap into information and stories, and the ability to craft the information, to build a story, is the very fabric that holds reality as we know it and humanity together. Right now this planet needs mediums more than anytime since the ice age or bubonic plague nearly extinguished the species. I am thankful for you and your work in a different way than most of your clients.