I believe this is an understatement. I am alcoholic 18 years without a drink after using alcohol excessively for 25 years. Alcoholism, at least as of this moment, doesn’t get “cured”, “fixed”. It stays in the shadow self manifesting in symptoms all the time.
Same with all the other unconscious addictions, beliefs, delusions. For me I have found exhortations, logic, solemn oaths, inspiring quotes or obvious reason won’t work in the face of my defects and seemingly unconscious addictions. Some type of “psychic” shift has to occur, call it an epiphany or “Higher Power” or whatever seems least off-putting.
I know the shift is possible because it has happened to me. For today I don’t have the urge to drink. And right now I am in the moment and about to go to the gym. And, for me, I find I am not “fixed”. I’ll need to keep doing contemplating, reframing and prayer all day. Just for today I can do things to not be living in “someday”. Rinse and repeat, I have found no silver bullets.