Ha! Thank you. I have discovered the 21st century “Asian woman” — not in you personally but as a generalization. It has been a startling discovery and happened all at once as if the universe decided to spring it on me as a life surprise. The (generalization) modern Asian female has a beauty that is from inward outward - the beauty of a Chinese, Malaysian or Vietnamese or Philippine woman is an expression of psych. They actually do have the effervescence and expansive qualities so many artists and authors have written about. This idea of a continuum. When walking the Great Wall of China close to Mongolia I asked my male, Chinese guide how the Chinese could live through dynasties of centuries and he looked at me calmly and said, “When the Chinese believe the time is needed to change, then we change”. It’s perfect for what my pitiful words are trying to communicate. Do I appreciate and have joy and sorrow in the short history of my western civilization — the Greeks, Romans, Europeans, Americans? Yes. Do I abruptly feel awakened to the deep insight and beauty of the especially the Asian female psyche? Yes, how could I have been so blind. Your essays are just well written guides to the possibility of that awareness, thank you.