Ha ha, you’re the alchemist not the ingredient. Socrates was correct, it just goes on, infinite energy in however many manifestations. The power, the state, society … is a fire casting shadows on the wall of the cave. The shadow of the tree is not essence, the shadow is not the sentient, magnificent true tree in a glorious photosynthesis thermonuclear dance with the true conscious sun and all nature. Western science has been a wonderful tool for progressing truth with the exception of near expulsion of the queen, philosophy, the Eleusinian embrace of unfoldment. In other words, we theorize about extra dimensions but not about levels of consciousness. The Greeks were amazed at the length and savagery of the Punic war between Rome and the Carthaginians because they experienced what Socrates did in the face of a power demanding obeisance to form conformity. He just voluntarily left. Unfortunately Socrates was also correct about a cave prisoner who manages to climb out of the cave and endure the pain then joy of consciousness 2.0. We prisoners cling to the familiar and comfortable shadows and fabricated fire. As above, so below.