Glen I agree and would go further and propose “military might” is usually an oxymoron. Existing military firepower almost always is revealed to be mostly a paper tiger when faced with a people powered nation state commitment. I’m not a pacifist or “anti-military” nor was your article in my opinion. The professional, logical (decades in development) military staff inside the German Wehrmacht predicted they could not win a sustained war in which the United States or even a determined Russia would wage even though in the case of the US leaders such as Henry Ford, Joseph Kennedy and Charles Lindbergh thought US efforts would be feeble. Logistics, materials, economy, culture, commitment, stability, courage, sacrifice and overall sociological fabric cannot, in my opinion, be outsourced to “the military” no matter how much money would work to propagandize us to believe otherwise.
One delusion I believe a giant military creates, in my opinion, is the false security of our citizenry to avoid looking in the mirror and honestly asking what do I need to work and do and sacrifice toward a contribution to the strength and stability of all my neighbors and fellow Americans.