Falling asleep last night was spent listening to a 1930's lecture by a current interest — C.G. Jung (lecture translated to English and read by a man with sonorous voice) regarding theory of shadow (repressed) self. In the 6th decade of life (exit sign in clear view) it’s not unremarkable to be exploring a theory of “finding what one’s soul wants to authentically express in life” (as contrasted with ego or external demands, perceived sociological expectations). As part of awareness of death it’s also not unremarkable to do some searching for actually living one’s own life while it is still occurring. A recurrent thought was that the Jung lecture occurred on the threshold of World War II, a large visceral death and horror drama that has influenced death context theories ranging from existentialism to traditional religions. This was followed by a dream of myself as incredibility spoiled, self-centered, destructive, gratuitously self-absorbed immature child brat. The only garment that occurs to one with such vulnerable dream is to postulate that I doubt my ego absorbed shadow self is unique. What to do about beyond confessional seems to me an uncertain matter.