Entertaining and fair article. The Taliban will stabilize the country (more stability and less violence is a low bar for Afghanistan) but will be oppressive, controlling, non-inventive/innovative and stagnate into 3rd world economy and consciousness. That is what religion does: Codified “truth” to rigidly and judgmentally explain how everything is predictable, explainable and under control. In this case (Taliban) religion is the official government. The Christian religion is a central and fundamental premise of the American KKK (a version of Taliban) and has been since it’s formation in the 1860s. Until printed advertisements more or less ended in the first half of the 20th century invitations to a KKK meetings sounded more or less like advertisements for an evangelical church. The United States faces a fundamental question of separating church from state whose blending has always been played in the backdrop but in the last 30 years as devolved from George H. Bush refusing to embrace the “Christian block vote” to W. Bush targeting and organizing the evangelical vote to Ted Cruz visiting nearly every large church in Iowa to Donald Trump literally using the Bible as dog whistle prop in his well practiced PT Barnum style of pandering and divisive fear based manipulation. The real question is what do you think will happen to the United States? I’d love to hear your thoughts.