Beautiful poem. I timed an outing with my granddaughter to sit by the pond and watch the rising of the last full “super-moon” of 2021. First the glow above the tree tops, then the edging of the orb then the whole moon, it’s lifeless and quiet surface 1/4 the size of earth reflecting as a satellite in full view amidst the symphony of earth’s evening nature nosies lead my granddaughter to exclaim, “It’s moving so fast!”. “No”, I corrected, “we’re spinning that fast — it’s position to us is changing imperceptibly slowly”. I’m well aware cognitively of the speed of our rotation, the speed of our orbit, the speed of our arm of this galaxy and the astonishing speed of the whole galaxy but the motion words of the astrological fact of our condition brought us deeper to a silent, humbled astonishing wonder of even having just one moment.