Authentic writing, I have wondered if McKenna’s hypothesis of hallucinogens being the kick start to consciousness as we now commonly experience it might have merit. Regardless, mindfully doing the wisely compassionate and kindness motivated actions as a flower from oneness thought instead of doing what impulsively feels gratifying … may be the hurdle we face to evolve from extinction to something more transcendental. Overcoming that hurdle involves choice (call it disturbance if skeptical about “free will”) and while LSD can provide a vision it’s seems from my experience that the consciousness evolution process likely involves the relative drudgery of everyday ordinary life (Jungian genre stuff that appears as the teachings by the mystics or in pop-culture like Malcolm Gladwell’s “Blink”/“Outliers” or Dan Carlin’s musings in “Hardcore History” just to pick things at random). The point being actually living with open minded oneness consciousness as an everyday experience isn’t a 10 hour event as it seems to me — it’s a fairly pedestrian marathon with lots of two forward, one back persistent trudging.