Sherman Moore
2 min readDec 12, 2020



Our country needs the vast majority of regular people just living lives and doing their jobs to get a little more involved to push for themselves and their peers together to choose adult sane politicians to be calm and pursue commonsense compromise problem solving. Enough already with divisive hyperbole and demagoguery pandering to ideological hysterics and media grasping for attention by sensationalism and us even tuning in and listening.

There was no election fraud (this is America), there is not a conspiracy to take guns or freedom via socialism. The vast majority of cops are good, necessary and serving the public but wearing a badge requires high standards. Perhaps we can’t pay for everyone’s college and other things. we’re already loading up debt but we have to improve education.

Both the vast majority of immigrants are good people and we need border control so we need immigration reform overhaul. If we want services we have to pay taxes so do budget transparency and honest choices not camouflaged special interests.

We have a real problem figuring out economic relevance and competitiveness in a 21st century global economy and need to be working together for our grandkids not infighting and whipping up fear and anger by isolating in echo chamber cliques built to validate ourselves as the good guys by demonizing everyone different. Unless we think we “know it all” it’s a good thing when someone has different ideas — we get to listen and learn more perspectives and have faith in good intent and try to find common ground not “my way or the highway”. It’s not prideful claiming God is on “our side”, but humbly, open minded and lovingly making progress to be part of good and light not hate and judgement and believing in the end God is on everybody’s side.

Sherman Moore
Sherman Moore

Written by Sherman Moore

Reckless seeker to look behind the illusion curtain of what gets called reality

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